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Uzbekistan Demands Razi Institute’s Vaccine and Biological Products

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Publish Date : 18:00 - 2024/6/1
: Reading Time
A delegation from Uzbekistan recently visited the Shiraz branch of the Razi Vaccine and Serum Institute to explore capabilities and strengthen scientific collaborations. The 10-member team from the Fisheries Department of Uzbekistan engaged in discussions and tours during their visit, meeting with Dr. Ali Shirazi Nezhad, the head of the Shiraz branch, Mr. Abolfazl Maarefvand, the commercial director of Razi Institute, and representatives from Fisheries, Veterinary Medicine, and the Jahad-Agriculture Organization of Fars province.

Dr. Shirazi Nezhad showcased the institute's advanced infrastructure and capabilities, underscoring Razi Institute’s potential as a key player in the production of diverse medical and veterinary vaccines to facilitate enhanced scientific and economic partnerships with Uzbekistan.

Mr. Maarefvand further detailed the Razi Institute's production of biological products, including human and animal vaccines, with a focus on fostering collaboration in aquatic, livestock, and poultry fields, and the distribution of Razi Institute's vaccines through joint initiatives and projects.

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