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Razi Institute Marks a Century of Biotechnology Excellence in Iran

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Publish Date : 08:00 - 2024/6/11
: Reading Time
During the third pre-meeting commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Razi Institute, Dr. Mojtaba Khayam Nekouei, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture-Jahad and Head of the Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization, emphasized the institute's pivotal role in becoming the national center for biological innovation. The event, attended by prominent officials, scholars, pioneers, and veterinarians, highlighted the efforts to leverage academic sciences towards technological advancement, product development, and commercialization to boost national wealth and tackle significant challenges.

Dr. Khayam Nekouei added: the Razi Institute, over the past 100 years, has been a hub for scientific research, technological innovation, product development, and commercialization, embodying a comprehensive approach to meeting the country's needs. With its unique position as the field's sole research and production institute, Razi Institute's model could lead to significant advancements in various sectors if implemented nationwide.

According to Dr. Khayam Nekouei the significance of Razi Institute's work is underscored by its scientific journal, "Razi Archive," with over 70 years of publication history as an international journal, showcasing the institute's commitment to advancing scientific knowledge into technology, products, and commercial ventures. The institute's role in addressing human and animal health challenges has been pivotal, reflecting its vital position in the country's development route.

He added: As Razi Institute approaches its second century of operation, universities are entering their activities' 3rd and 4th generations, transitioning into entrepreneurial entities focused on solving high-priority challenges. In this transformative era, Razi Institute is poised to evolve into a national biological innovation hub, reshaping the roles of universities and knowledge-based companies in alignment with societal needs.

He finally noted: that the primary expectation is to support the commercialization of technical knowledge through the Razi Institute's backing of private sector-based knowledge companies, transforming them into products for global markets. This market expansion should not be limited to national borders but should encompass regional and global scales to maximize impact and innovation potential.

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