According to the Public Relations of Razi institute, Dr. Moradi Bidhendi, Deputy Director for Research and Technology of the RVSRI emphasized the necessity of exchange of scientists and experts to similar institutes of other countries and membership in the relevant international organizations. Regarding this meeting, she added: this meeting is an opportunity to discuss the needs and accordingly the results would lead the way forward.
Stating that all the institutes and centers have their own missions which are different from the others, she added: these forums should include participation of all the institutes in order to have better conclusions. Moreover, necessary measures are in hand to implement short courses and the result should be valuable achievements for the institutes.
Dr. Moradi emphasized the necessity of the changes in the by-law of foreign missions related to scientific exchanges, short study research missions and conferences.
Dr. Moradi said: Attending these conferences is very important and in this regard, it is necessary to increase the number of our joint projects with different countries. She emphasized: Providing suggestions and solutions can help the expansion of these international communications so that good steps can be taken in this field.