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Visit of Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute’s Experts to Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute (QSMI) in Thailand

Publish Date : - 2023/3/12
: Reading Time
Visit of Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute’s Experts to Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute (QSMI) in Thailand
Dr. Majid Tabianian and Dr. Mehran Dabaghian experts of Razi institute visited Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute (QSMI) from 28 February to 3 March, 2023. This meeting was organized by the coordination of the World Health Organization in Tehran and Thailand for Razi scientific team in order to visit the production lines of therapeutic sera of QSMI. During this visit the Razi team had a meeting with the Director and officials of the QSMI, in which the expansion of cooperation between the two sides was emphasized.
Professor Emeritus Dr.Visit Sitprija, Director of Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute, recounted the history of OSMI for more than a century and  provided detailed explanations about the important and strategic position of QSMI in the region as the second poisonous snake farm in the world, production of snake antivenins and other biological products. 
The delegate from Razi, presented Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute as the strategic institute in Iran with researchers and experts in the field of production of different biologicals. They also emphasized the importance of this visit as a step towards gaining mutual experience in the field of optimizing the building construction  and  the line of snake antivenin production at Razi institute according to current GMP principles.
Based on bilateral negotiation, both sides reached an agreement to provide the possibility of joint studies in the field of snake and scorpion venoms and optimization of the production processes of antivenin with the coordination of the relevant departments of both institutes. 
Following this meeting, visits were made to the departments of breeding and venom extraction of poisonous snakes and antivenin production units at QSMI. 
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