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Publish Date : - 2023/12/25
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Director General of Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute spoke during the ceremony commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Professor Hussein Mirshamsi: "Our mission, like our predecessors and scientists who have worked at Razi Institute, is to strive for the well-being of society and to create vaccines and biological products."
Razi Institute's public relations  reported that a ceremony was held to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the passing of Seyed Hossein Mirshamsi, who was considered the "Father of Iran's Vaccines" and the former head of the Medical Viral Vaccines Production Department of Razi Institute. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Abbas Shafiei, a valuable veteran of Razi Institute and a close friend and assistant of Mirshamsi.
During the ceremony commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of Prof. Seyed Hossein Mirshamsi's passing, Director General of the Razi Institute emphasized the importance of recognizing the contributions of elders and veterans. In his speech, Dr. Ali Es-haghi lauded Mirshamsi as a scholar and researcher, as well as one of the country's most distinguished figures who dedicated his life to the health of the world's children. He also noted that many vaccines were produced at Razi Institute, saving countless lives, and it is crucial that younger generations learn about the great deeds of the past and the people who have given so much to various fields like healthcare.
Dr. Es-haghi while highlighting the importance of holding ceremonies to honor elders and veterans, noted that such events would benefit future generations. He pointed out that in the past, despite limited access to scientific knowledge, scientists and researchers produced significant work, including essential vaccines. Today, with broader access to advanced facilities and knowledge, the expectations for the development of necessary products are much higher.
He emphasized that their mission, following in the footsteps of their predecessors and scientists who have worked at the institute, is to strive for the health of society and create vaccines and biological products. He noted that in order to achieve this objective, they should focus on enhancing their infrastructure and resources.
In conclusion, Dr Ali Es-haghi emphasized the mission of maintaining the health of society and developing vaccines and biological products. He expressed hope for creating a better and brighter future for Razi Institute and the country with the help of the elders and veterans. The employees honored the memory of Dr. Mirshami and scientists like Dr. Abbas Shafiei, as glorious part of the heritage of Razi Institute. A short video was shown highlighting Dr. Mirshamsi's contributions to the medical field and vaccines. Finally, a text was read as a commemoration and appreciation of Dr. Mirshamsi, the "Father of Iran's vaccines."
Dr. Seyed Hossein Mirshamsi, a prominent Iranian scientist who is known as the "father of Iran's vaccines," was a former faculty member at the Razi Institute, where he served as the head of the research and production department of vaccines for medical use. Mirshamsi is widely renowned for his exceptional efforts and humanitarian motivations in developing numerous vaccines that have saved an immeasurable number of lives, he passed away on December 13, 2008.
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