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Videoconference with WOAH Regional Expert

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Publish Date : 08:00 - 2024/6/12
: Reading Time
In a virtual event on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 the Razi Institute hosted a videoconference with a regional expert from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH).

The webinar hosted key figures including Ms. Rita Rizk, the financial and administrative assistant regional expert of WOAH in the Middle East, Dr. Keyvan Tadayon, the head of the Aerobic Bacterial Vaccines Research and Production, Dr. Rainak Ghaderi, the head of Academic Relations and International Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Hassan Ebrahimi Jam, the head of Sheep and Goat Pox WOAH Reference Laboratory, and Dr. Najmeh Maotamed, the head of the Fowl Pox Reference Laboratory at the Razi Institute.

The virtual event included diverse topics on the agenda, promoting fruitful discussions and insightful exchanges between the Razi Institute and WOAH representatives. Collaborative efforts intensified as both parties shared valuable insights, ideas, and suggestions to advance animal health and research initiatives.

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