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Razi Institute Ensures Livestock, Poultry, and Aquatic Health

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Publish Date : 08:05 - 2024/6/29
: Reading Time
During a one-day veterinary seminar held in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Razi Institute, Dr. Mojtaba Norouzi, president of the Iran Veterinary Organization, pointed to the pivotal role played by the Razi Institute in safeguarding the health and well-being of approximately 17 million tons of poultry and aquatic products. He attributed the creditable achievement of ensuring sustainability in production and upholding food safety standards to the efforts of researchers and the vaccines developed by the Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute.

Dr. Norouzi lauded Razi Institute as a pioneer in the field of poultry and aquatic vaccines that significantly contribute to enhancing animal health and fortifying the nation's food safety protocols. He expressed pride in the enduring partnership between the country's veterinary organization and Razi Institute, underscoring the invaluable expertise of the researchers, scientists, and experts involved in the continuous advancement of veterinary vaccine production in the country.

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