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Mass Production of Bivalent Newcastle and Bronchitis Vaccine

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Publish Date : 08:00 - 2025/1/15
: Reading Time
Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute received the license from the Iran Veterinary Organization (IVO) to begin mass production of its “Bivalent Live Newcastle and Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine (Clone12IR H-120)”. Dr. Shahin Masoudi, Head of the Bronchitis and Encephalomyelitis Vaccines Production laboratory, described this achievement as a major milestone that will reduce reliance on imported vaccines and save foreign currency.

The Clone12IR H-120 vaccine will enhance the country’s self-sufficiency in poultry health, improve the competitiveness of domestic vaccines, and create opportunities for export to neighboring countries. It will also significantly boost the prevention and control of Newcastle Disease (ND) and Infectious Bronchitis (IB), which pose serious economic threats to the poultry industry.

Dr. Masoudi emphasized the importance of effective biosecurity and vaccination protocols in managing these diseases, noting that the new vaccine will reduce the stress of multiple vaccinations for farmers, lower flock mortality rates, and decrease both the time and costs associated with vaccination processes.

The Clone12IR strain is a Newcastle Lentogenic virus known for its strong protective effects on chickens, regardless of maternal antibodies, and offers the benefits of both B1 and Lasota vaccines, including minimal side effects and robust immune responses.

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